娱乐英文形容词 (表示娱乐的英语)

深圳夜店 06-24 阅读:27 评论:0



  • Amusing (滑稽的):引起笑声或娱乐的;例如:The comedian's performance was very amusing.
  • 娱乐英文形容词 (表示娱乐的英语)
  • Captivating (迷人的):吸引和保持注意力;例如:The movie was so captivating that I couldn't take my eyes off the screen.
  • Engaging (引人入胜的):吸引和保持兴趣;例如:The book was so engaging that I read it in one sitting.
  • Enthralling (令人着迷的):非常吸引和吸引人;例如:The concert was so enthralling that time seemed to fly by.
  • Exciting (刺激的):引起兴奋或热情的;例如:The rollercoaster ride was so exciting that my heart was pounding.
  • Fun (有趣的):引起乐趣或享受;例如:The party was so much fun that I didn't want it to end.
  • Hilarious (爆笑的):非常滑稽,引起大笑;例如:The comedian's jokes were so hilarious that I almost cried.
  • Interesting (有趣的):引起兴趣或好奇心;例如:The documentary was very interesting and informative.
  • Pleasurable (令人愉悦的):带来乐趣或享受;例如:The massage was so pleasurable that I felt completely relaxed.
  • Satisfying (令人满意的):达到或超过期望,带来满足感;例如:The movie was so satisfying that I left the theater feeling happy and fulfilled.


  • Boring (无聊的):缺乏兴趣或刺激;例如:The movie was so boring that I fell asleep.
  • Disappointing (令人失望的):未达到期望,引起失望;例如:The concert was so disappointing that I wished I had stayed home.
  • Dull (沉闷的):缺乏兴趣或兴奋;例如:The party was so dull that I left early.
  • Predictable (可预测的):可以预见的,缺乏惊喜;例如:The movie was so predictable that I guessed the ending from the beginning.
  • Repetitive (重复的):重复或单调,缺乏多样性;例如:The show was so repetitive that I got tired of it quickly.
  • Stale (陈腐的):不再新鲜或有吸引力,失去活力;例如:The jokes were so stale that they didn't even make me smile.
  • Tedious (乏味的(智力的):需要智力或思考;例如:The play was very intellectual and thought-provoking.
  • Physical (体育的):涉及身体活动,如运动或舞蹈;例如:The activity was very physical and made me sweat.
  • Psychological (心理的):影响或涉及心理,如情绪或思想;例如:The movie was very psychological and made me question my own beliefs.
  • Social (社会的):涉及与他人互动,如聚会或派对;例如:The event was very social and gave me a chance to meet new people.


